FESIG Welcomes You

Let's get together - we will be co-creating a breakthrough environment which will give freedom of energy, sustenance, healing and regeneration of the human vessel. Power your own home with Free Energy! Heal yourself and connect within with the technology! Get together to learn to make your own free energy devices for your own needs, health and connection within, in a group share experience. Trail blaze new horizons in the very interactions of the plasma, anti-gravitational and tesla based technologies', rediscovering the torsion field energy flow when experimenting with expanding consciousness in the making of your own future tech devices. We are now in the midst of fulfilling the prophecies that there will be no debt, nor lack, no hunger, no wars, no suffering in this world. Let us be part of the transition, from the old to the new.

Members of FESIG are called Futurist Freedom Seekers


Our primary objective is to instil awareness, gather resources together to build our own Free Energy Devices for our own needs, health and connection within, whilst trail-blazing new developments in the futuristic technology beyond human intelligence. Secondary objective is to build skills, nurture a career in manufacturing, spin offs in cottage industries in the community, creating employment. Providing a platform for cooperation, sharing and caring, uniting all creeds and races, towards unity, peace and harmony working together for freedom and the betterment of humankind.

Power your own home and life's conveniences with Free Energy! Heal yourself and connect within!

Learn from or share and exchange knowledge/breakthroughs with fellow members to acquire or even to make your own free energy and healing devices and explore new frontiers with the fast advancing technologies in a group share experience.

FESIG offers a Platform where Science meets Spirituality. Ponder on this: “Free energy,” also known as “zero-point energy,” utilizes the unseen substance that exists all around us and converts it into usable energy. This would give us a limitless source of energy, and would practically wipe out all poverty on the planet.

Quantum physics has left many scientists baffled, again, the discovery that our physical material reality isn’t really physical at all can be quite confusing. Scientists began to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter at the turn of the 19th century, this is approximately the time when the idea of a Newtonian material universe was dropped from the heart of scientific knowing, and replaced by the fact that matter is nothing but an illusion, that everything in the universe is made out of energy.

“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist

“No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway from the human spirit.” – Helen Keller

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

(source ref for the above 4 paras)

Please visit our channel and SUBSCRIBE to support this work.


From time to time, we will have visiting plasma, anti-gravitational and tesla based technologies' developers & scientists from various other disciplines presenting their work and teaching at the FESIG Meetings with creative innovative ideas and theories that may have some varying thoughts. In our meetings everyone is welcome to speak and present their ideas and work both from the science and spiritual perspectives. As Free Energy covers a wide big spectrum of discoveries with so many ways of experimentations yielding different beneficial results by its creative and innovative scientists, researchers and developers, FESIG will not be held responsible for anybody's misperceptions or judgement that could give rise to negative feelings of 'slight' or discomfort arising from their differing approaches, belief systems and claims. Different speakers/teachers' beliefs and methodologies may clash giving rise to misunderstandings as some may go against the grain of the other beliefs, or misperceived as loyalty being compromised to other theorists and teachers. It must be made very clear that FESIG, as an open-minded Futurist Freedom Seekers' group, hereby declare that we do not take a stand for or against any particular science or theory or spiritual belief and are open to all teachings/information shared, impartially (neutral, unprejudiced, unbiased) welcoming creativity that pushes science and spirituality to the furthest frontiers, in the pursuit of knowledge, seeking breakthroughs to succeed in our objectives of making this world a better place to live in.

General Disclosures/Disclaimers

You shall utilize all TVoP/FESIG sites at your own risk. FESIG makes no representation regarding the Guest Speakers or other resources on the FESIG sites. FESIG does not make any guarantee to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information contained on the website FESIG is not and shall not be liable for any claim, loss, cost or liability that arises out of or relates to your use of the TVoP/FESIG sites. FESIG makes no representations or warranties in relation to the articles, guidelines, informational videos or other information offered via the TVoP/FESIG sites. The information is provided to the general public and is not intended to be directed at any specific legal issue. TVoP/FESIG contains Internet links to other resources and businesses. Those links are provided to help you identify other Internet resources that may be of interest to you but are not intended to state or imply that FESIG endorses, is affiliated with or related to, verifies the accuracy or completeness of the content of, or sponsors these other websites. FESIG in no way represents that these other websites contain accurate, complete or useful information.

Donate Donations are the life-blood of charities. Without funding, or any voluntary support at all, these not-for-profit organizations would not be able to carry out their missions. Any donation, be it monetary or in-kind will be accepted and appreciated. How this Work is Done: This initiative was founded and funded by Crystal Goh, and is managed by her, the only administrator of the website, video channels, facebook, with the assistance of Pontus Hassbjer, who is effectively posting and sharing the free energy technology intel, whist running the R&D teams with Dr. Frazzle as the chief teacher. If you want to see FESIG grow to become more visible and impactful, please assist with volunteering or pay forward your extras to enable us to afford to make improvements on the website, youtube channel, and Facebook.


Join Us Submit your name and email address to get direct notifications for meetings/events along with reports and latest news (only once a month). Many apologies for halting our newsletter since last end of last year due to lack of funds. Will be resuming it soon. if you'll pay forward, donate!. Please bear with us.

The Finders' Membership

Don't just be an ordinary member, be an EXTRAORDINARY ONE, if you feel it in your heart you have a purpose for your existence here and is a solution thinker, doer, giver, join us in The Foundation! Become a Finder! The Finders are exceptional and extraordinary individuals to form this special breakaway community called The Foundation, Apply within.

FESIG Meetings Format

FESIG meets publicly once a month on the 1st Wednesday in 2 sessions - 1 or 2 speakers with 40 mins per presentation followed by 15mins Q&A per session with both FESIG regulars as well as new members alike to convene the meeting.


FESIG has 3 Video channels out of neccessity! Do subscribe to all our channels in case Youtube is out! Also most of our more sensitive videos are published at Bitchute. Click to access and subscribe. Join our Telegram Group to interact with other members and speakers:
 FESIG Bitchute Channel,  FESIG Odysee Channel,  FESIG Telegram Channel


Announcement: We have a few R&D groups at FESIG exploring Electrical, Magnetic, Kinetic Energy. We have opened a mechanical engineering group to explore magnetic generating systems in 2022, meeting regularly every week. Anybody interested in magnetic generating systems, come and join us, it'll be fun! As for our regular Core R&D group, meetings are about 3-4 times a week. We are looking for retired electrical engineers to join us as we are branching out into hubs. Resourceful people are wanted!

Attention! Join us at our 126th FESIG Meeting, Wed 3rd July, 2024. We start our monthly 1st Wednesday public meetings at 6.30pm BST, 7.30pm CEST, 1.30pm EDT, 10.30am PDT

1st Session Speaker: Fernando Vossa, our FESIG Brother returning to share the research he has been doing on the temporal effects of lava, and the plan to build a Center for BIOFUTURISM and Time Research! The FESIG Team welcomes FESIG Brother Fernando back from his extensive normadic travels in a forum chat. Fernando Vossa is an independent Bio-Futurist, Terra Healer and Artivist, who developed a whole-body regeneration and quantum access chamber dome home called the Vossahedron. Fernando is a Conscious Innerspace Explorer.

2nd Session Speaker: Robert Maxxim, author of the Legacy Books series, returns to speak. As he only got to cover some of the "dimensional energy transfer and generation" talk in the last meeting, we got him to come back to continue with the Fun with numbers – Vortex Math and the sacred no. 9 - Soul and Energy, with scientific evidence. Then more about the Gamma Scuti 5, Atlantean energy generation tower system and much more on the spiritual side of the science from beyond.

Click here for Zoom code to attend 126th Meeting on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at 6.30pm BST, 7.30pm CEST, 1.30pm EDT, 10.30am PDT

Time Zones


126th FESIG Meeting 1st Session


Fernando VossaFernando Vossa is an independent Bio-Futurist, Terra Healer, BioArchitech and Conscious Innerspace Explorer. A supportive FESIG Brother, Fernando Vossa developed a whole-body regeneration and quantum access chamber dome home called the Vossahedron. Fernando is a Conscious Innerspace Explorer. He last spoke at the 113th FESIG Meeting on 7th June 2023 when presented 'Temple Building and the Creation of Sacred Space'. He shared his research findings after visiting over 100 ancient sites including Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Chaco Canyon, Adam's Calendar, Teotihuacan, and most recently Angkor Wat.Fernando Holo Temples Vossa's multidimensional inquiry is in our capacity of manifesting reality from conscious thought. His thought provoking presentation is worth a revisit. He talked about some of the technologies evident in our ancient monoliths and in our modern cities mulling upon what consciousness that can give rise to new civilizations and birth new solar systems, exploring the energy of creative freedom and the biomineralized DNA messages of our ancestors. He said, we have traversed hundreds of sites and around the world as part of that journey, in one fractal of that inquiry of temple building, civilizations that left us remnants. And one of the things that we see is every part of these ships, these creator ships of stone, are the harmonic imprinting of intention of the entire doctrine, the belief system, which is also integrated with the science, the consciousness, the methodology.' Watch the video for the details.

This meeting, he is returning to share the research he has been doing on the temporal effects of lava, and the plan to build a Center for BIOFUTURISM and Time Research! The FESIG Team welcomes FESIG Brother Fernando back from his extensive normadic travels in a forum chat.

126th FESIG Meeting 2nd Session


Robert MaxximRobert Maxxim . Award winning author of the Legacy Series Books spoke about "dimensional energy transfer and generation". Then about his new free energy invention and the energy sources - Energy generation system from Gamma Scuti 5, Atlantean energy generation tower system, Energy transference through dimensions into our plane in the last meeting and didn't get to finish covering the other areas we wanted him to talk about. So he's back to continue with the knowledge to share..and much more on the spiritual side of the science from beyond.

He says about his background:-I was born in Cuba, 1957, and experienced numerous astral visits to other worlds and dimensions since an early age, witnessed alien craft, and physically met beings from other worlds of which I have witnesses. My experiences continue to this day, both in sleep and wake states, having gathered through conscious contact modalities a library of knowledge on history, creation, evolution, the purpose and methodology for life,the workings of the inter-dimensional soul, science and medicine from non-earthly intelligences (NEI).

Robert Maxxim Books My career studies included physics, information sciences, theology, and the arts, having served internships at NASA/JPL where I participated in the Voyager II mission at the Imaging Laboratory in Pasadena, California. I've collaborated with CCRI and Harvard on the works of black holes and published a novel series titled Legacy where I detail my encounters with NEIs, their ways of life, knowledge, and my own past life experiences. I am now in the process of publishing breaking scientific concepts. The following is a brief page with evidence of my career endeavors.

FESIG calls upon specialist speakers from the science & spirit of all areas that are neccessary to give us an all round overall perspective, with the renaissance wisdom and the deep knowledge to move forward to progress in our divine missions!


FESIG Meetings are facilitated and chaired by Crystal Goh, FESIG Founder. A bit about Crystal GohCrystal Goh, BA (Hons), MSc., Cert, Hypnotherapist. In the 90s she became a protege of the Father of Hypnosis, the late Dr. Gil Boyne, author of Hypnotism school text books. As mind-mastery coach to the CEOs with Vistage Asia, she taught IQ, EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and SQ (Spiritual intelligence), on how to shift from the head-based management/operation to a heart-based one, presented and taught unique courses in countries from Malaysia to the UK, US, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Kenya and Sri Lanka . She is currently continuing teaching her unique mind-mastery courses, hypno meditation, self-hypnosis classes from where she left off (to start FESIG 8 years ago) again abroad from July onwards.

FESIG's Regular Activity

Pontus HassbjerThe FESIG's amazing R&D Team meets almost daily working on developing at least 3 promising devices, the Buie-Morin Motor Generator, the Torroidal Device and the Resonance Energy Vacuum Apparatus V1.1! The R&D Team members at the helm are Pontus Hassbjer, Fraz Frazzle (Head Teacher), Graeme S, Henrik Julke and Matthew Elliott. The FESIG R&D Team has been improving upon the prototypes that is in the process of being perfected. FESIG is very proud to have 2 growing R&D Teams with talents and skills and experienced hands gathered together in altruistic cooperation and pure intent just to bring the solutions to the fore!!! As the processes of the development gets improved and moved notches up the scale of quality and precision engineering, our planning of the 1st Free Energy Device Training Program gets developed very satisfactorily. Buie-Morin Motor Generator (Please click on this link to read about it on Patrick Kelly's
Fraz Frazzle Chapter 32 of his website). Thomas Buie of America and Gerard Morin of Canada of Canada both worked on developing a self-powered system which provides kilowatts of excess power to power other equipment. Thomas feels strongly that water and electricity are part of a person's rights and not a privilege which has to be paid for. They developed this selfpowered generator in order to supply the electric needs of a household. Ever since getting on with Thomas's work, we are also currently helping to develop a few other devices, the team members brought forth!


FESIG Innovation Incubation CentreJust as FESIG serves to bring technologists, awakening truth seekers and healers together (to learn from some of the world's most brilliant speakers) and progress in cooperation, we are seeking funding to provide incubation facilities for scientists, researchers and inventors to bring their ideas and vision to fruition, completing their prototypes in a supportive and safe environment supported by some of the best expertise from visionary idea, project planning, prototyping, beta-testing, documentation, trade-marking, copy-right legalities, to bring it to market and open-sourcing the basics.

FESIG Speakers and members are encouraged to explore this opportunity with Crystal.

Line Up of FESIG Speakers for the next Meeting

126th FESIG Meeting

3rd July 2024
6.30pm-8.00pm BST

Fernando Vossa
Robert Maxxim

Patrick Kelly Book"The Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices" The author, the late Patrick J. Kelly is one of the pillars of the study of exotic free energy internationally. Click here to access The Practical Guide to Free Energy Devices. He has painstakingly FreeEnergy Manual researched to develop and archived a compendium of free energy information with coverage of historic and contemporary devices for our study reference. Free Energy Reference Information. Patrick's websites are http://www.free-energy-info.tuks.nl & http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk. This has become the reference manual for free energy enthusiasts!

The Foundation

Early in Jan 2018, Martin Burger talked to us about his tidal powered energy project that would be the basis of his new crypto currency ICO and are looking for exceptional and extraordinary individuals to form a special breakaway community called The Foundation, a solution service, consciousness domain that will be declared a sovereign nation governed by a Holacratic Constitution. He said successful applications will stand to receive a royalty stream of a gift, a precious metal backed cryptocurrency which will be airdropped to them, who will be known as " The Finder" Apply within. Recent announcement to note: To those who have applied within, thus far, as time has now passed on this promised blessings, inadvertently, although as in any mega project such as this, it is heavily reliant on the Chairman's leadership with his team and now that we know with sadness that he has suddenly passed on, we are awaiting an opportunity to ascertain if we will be able to unite all the teams involved (that the late Martin had gathered) so that we may be afforded the resources to continue with his legacy..

Click here for the transcript of the Chairman of The Foundation, Mr. Martin Burger's speech during the 48th FESIG Meeting on the 3rd Jan 2018.

Meeting Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Know

Here in FESIG, we strive to have as good a Meeting as possible as recordings are unedited for youtube public viewing. As such, we appreciate some newbies might not be familiar with business meeting etiquette that are expected of them during the 4hr session, so it is recommended that this standard guidelines will help in achieving a good productive meeting for all.

FESIG's Logo and Banners

A new design for FESIG's logo has been launched on the 18th April 2017, replacing the old logo. This is followed by new FESIG Youtube Banner Design (28th April 2017) and Facebook Banner design (18th April 2017).

FESIG Logo FESIG Facebook Banner

FESIG Youtube Banner


FESIG 125 1st Session Dan Winter : Physics of Soul & Electrical Immortality 5 Jun '24

Dan WinterDan Winter. On 5th June, 2024, Crystal commenced the 1st session of the 125th FESIG Meeting with returning speaker Dan Winter, speaking about Physics of the Soul & Electrical Immortality. Dan is an Electrical Engineer, plasma tech/implosion/biofeedback inventor and fractality physics researcher. He lectures extensively around the world, especially known for his applications of mathematical modelling to optimize spiritual development as a spin-off of his research on the relationship of emotion to wave length structure. One important tool developed by Dan is the Heart Tuner which measures or quantizes the onset of conscious self-awareness by virtue of the apparent geometry of the heart harmonics being geometrically linked by progressions based on powers of Phi (the Golden Mean 0.618033989...). Then the popular Theraphi which is adopted by alternatuve healing clinics far and wide. Dan is a prolific writer and much

Dan's Physics Of Soul of his work is available on the Internet. In this Meeting, Dan talked about the Physics of the Universe, Fractal Physics of Charge Distribution In the Vacuum, Phase Conjugation Wave Fractality, the Perfect Golden Spiral on the Cone, the existence of 'Sacred Geometry' in the Earth Grid (and beyond) - and 'sacred sites'… and more. His work as it complements Nassim's perfectly. The fractal nested compression of aether through ratcheting dodecahedra geometries is mindblowing, intuitive, and most likely correct. It describes the aether flow that Nassim's nested cube-octahedron jitterbug does (which moves through dodeca/icosa geometries as it collapses). Today, he will talk about: Ultimate PHYSICS of SOUL: from Soulless A.I. Theraphi to Real Electrical Immortality. Hear an Electrical Engineer explaining the difference between what happens in a program in a machine and a Soul!! He said: “We are launching a global movement to teach & implement - the ..PHYSICS OF SOUL - to every university, government and major institution on the planet! Because we are clear- IF we cannot accomplish this - WITHIN A SHORT NUMBER OF YEARS - the majority of the children on this planet will be soul-less!!!” GAINING energy DURING (fractal) charge collapse ( planckphire.com ) is the PRIME MOTOR for the existence of LIFE FORCE, Conscious Awareness, and GRAVITY ( and SOUL!) - until we learn the principle - our kids will become trapped in increasingly SOUL-less civilization.. Physics of clairvoyance (seeing souls) / peak perception specifically requiring coherent longitudinal interferometry: Dan Winterfractalfield.com/conjugatemind and flameinmind.com/outervision (required conjugate EEG frequencies). The body can MAKE the aura / the plasma of charge / IN to a coherent emitting LONGITUDINAL EMF FIELD - whose charge components can then enter in to global and 'non-local' action at a distance. Coherent longitudinal EMF interferometry is the ONLY PHYSICS OF GRAVITY WAVES ( Bearden "Gravitobiology' ) - AND the ONLY physics of ALL ACTION AT A DISTANCE (per Dan Winter ) - what they call entanglement for wormhole action at distance - is much more precisely the perfect EMBEDDING WHICH PHASE CONJUGATION IN TO LONGITUDINAL EMF Coherence CREATES! THIS IS THE STUFF OF SOUL! Watch the video After the Q&A, this 1st session of FESIG's 125th Meeting was adjourned to the 2nd Session where Robert Maxxim, author of the Legacy series speaks.

FESIG 125 2nd session Robert Maxxim : Dimensional Energy Transfer & Generation 5Jun'24

Robert MaxximRobert Maxxim . Crystal commenced the 2nd session of our 125th FESIG Meeting introducing Robert Maxxim, aka Roberto Gaetan, award winning author of the Legacy Books series. The author experienced several sleep-time visits to other worlds as a child, and witnessed countless alien craft. These visions continue to date, in both wake and sleep states. He validates his visions confirming his sightings and experiences with other established sources such as George Adamski, and personally met Brothers from other worlds that helped instruct him over the years. His experiences continue to this day, both in sleep and wake states, having gathered through conscious contact modalities a library of knowledge on history, creation, evolution, the purpose and methodology for life, the workings of the inter-dimensional soul, science and medicine from non-earthly intelligences (NEI). Robert: The basis of the talk is Energy. All energy is supposed to be free. It is not created or destroyed. There are 13-14 types of energies. Today I am creating a whole new brand of energy. I called it Dimensional. The Virtual Universe, Intelligent Euclidean Containers, M-Theory, String Theory, and any form of energy point is intelligent. Intelligence is built into everything that surrounds us. Everything is a mind, it is consistent, and it is convergent! Energy senses the environment, it reacts and adapts to other energies, it does what it is supposed to do. Everything that we can conceive of is energy. Everything is related to one another and made from the same stuffs. Only difference is frequency. The Hydrogen atom - 99.99% of the entire atomic system is nothing. There’s more nothing than something. What is NOTHING? Why is an atom charged the way it is? Why do Quarks play a role in determining charges? Why is it that a neutron must be charged at a certain way with a certain quarks? What is Positive energy? Very important in the study of science. If you can take the difference in energy, you can take charges and convert it to frequencies. It turns out that a Negative charge is a 1/3 of the frequency of a Positive charge. Energy is intelligent. A hydrogen atom knows what to do when it encounters oxygen. Turn it to water or alcohol, it can become the basis for a lot of electro chemical components. It knows what to do as plasma. As a gas, or it can liquidify. Every atom has a specific source. It all amounts to energy and vibration.

Robert Maxxim Books What is a Euclidian Plane? It is the containment of everything that’ll manifest in the 3rd Dimension. The concept is all the energy and the instructions for the entire expression and lifetime of a specific particle, which is the Energy Form, from the 4th D coming to the 3rd D, the it flows back, and forth…making the 3rd D a Matrix, like a picture screen with pixels on and off in a straight pattern. That’s what paved our 3rd dimensional reality. Mounted on top of that Euclidean form, then developed M-string and String theories. How do we get energy becoming solid? Formless energy coming from the 4th dimension. If we don’t understand, we will never be able to achieve free energy, never be able to leave this planet and travel thru’ worm holes ‘cos they are based on and also an apparition of a Euclidian plane! Our science have to stop using microscopes BUT instead start using interdimensional scopes! Our future is the understanding of how this virtual space works. Lorentz Forces makes this virtual space come about. It forces these energies to close in on itself, virtualising that energy into the 3rd Dimension and then it takes it back, like a breathing apparatus. Lorentz pushes it down and up. Call that cycle Singularity - ‘cos it is not bound by time. When at 4th D plane, you have lost time and space, you are just energy and vibration, a true singularity. Energy is a pulse. Change an element’s time factor, you change its energy output. That change agent is simply the Lorentz field. No field unless there’s movement. Theory of Relativity. The movement of a charge is bringing about a magnetic field, which will determine the velocity of a particle. The Electrical Component that determines distance and the Magnetic Component that describes time. Control the magnetic field, you control the life time of that particle. The tower of energy from Atlantis – top of which are ultraviolet lasers to create a passage way. The Gama Scuti 5 Atlantean Energy Generation Tower System to power the planet. Watch the video.

FESIG 124 Rick Jewers’ GPMS World’s Full Earth Law & the TwinFlame Creator Pair's role. 1st May '24

Rick Jewers & Femke SjoukjeRick Jewers & Femke Sjoukje, Crystal commenced FESIG’s 124th Meeting on 1st May 2024, 2nd session with Rick Jewers, The Guardian of the New Replacement System. On the Twin Flame Creator Pair, Rick says:"Femke and I are what is identified Divinely as Twin Flames and along with this Divine Identity, comes the Divine Mission. The Earth is in an Ascension mode, meaning that everything is changing incredibly fast to facilitate the world into equality, peace, harmony, abundance , joy, and Love, as the old societal matrix crumbles. This is by Divine Design and Femke and I are two Divine Delegates on the planet to assist in this Ascension in all ways. I am a Divine GUARDIAN OF THE NEW REPLACEMENT SYSTEM for the world, which is GPMS WORLD.Rick Jewers the Guardian Rick: Most happy to be in the most auspicious divine time on Earth. Ascension is part of the divine plan for the Planet. The evolution of the consciousness - the super consciousness. The evil component is getting weaker and weaker day by day. The worldwide system for the people will be very different from the present system that we have. Rick assured us he’s protected and assisted, supported upon the planet to take the planet over into civility from this present deplorable state. The Twin Flame couple in the divine delegation and the planetary role that they play will touch on the metaphysics that is involved. We are divine beings in humanoid vessels. We access and direct extreme creational energy, the purpose of the Twin Flame pairs which our Masculine and Feminine matches which we need to be this way. The divine Masculine-Feminine union is to produce Procreation and also for Creation. What we have done divinely is we have stepped up the game upon the planet that instead of the energy be imported into a child in the old humanoid way, this twin flame pair actually created energy that has commenced that ripples out around the planet in this dimension. Very important roles these twin flames have in their divine designation. There’re 12 Creator Pairs upon the planet, the original pairs but not limited. What we see everyday is the Merkaba, or kundalini is being activated. There’re many subsequent Twin Flames couples are being created as a result. The 2 Twelve original Creator Pair affecting thousands of miles of the energetic environment in reality and we can also see strategically placed around the planet once you have many twin flame pairs in union producing and being the conduit for this divine energy, it creates upliftment. All reality resides on a frequency as we know on vibrations and what we are doing is jumping that upwards into higher vibrations and frequency. Divine delegation, Angelic Realms, Prime Creator is very real. Direct Divine Intervention upon the Planet is happening now! Other multidimensional beings and ships above the planet that the physical eye cannot see, assisting with the rapid transition for humanity here. Fear not as we are Omnipotent backed by the Universe, the Prime Creator, there’s nothing that can attack you nor hinder you. Fear has a low frequency. The darkness cannot progress as they cannot go where we are taking the planet into this realm. Once all the human populace knows that they are being delivered from this present savagery by knowing that GPMS( Global Peoples Monetary System) exists and that the stress-free choice is here. It doesn’t matter whether GPMS is fully realized in its promises yet it matters that everyone gives consent to add their energy into this instrument that is more than hopium actualized. GPMS is made most simple and logical to transition the entire planet as soon as possible. GPMS has one universal full funding monetary policy for every individual - and essential goods and services and also a simple absolute law of God – ‘Do no harm’ and it honours and respects every unalienable rights that are intrinsic, inherent rights of the individual based on morality that was already written in your hearts. We know in our hearts what is right and what is wrong, essentially morality. The constant brainwashing had curtailed the auto heart-based consciousness and so we have a divine remedy that sets off a series of events that has no compromise, no obstacles but is still in the process…and have taken counter measures against the brainwashing and conditioning of the human population without any reasoning or rationale. The energetic value in GPMS will expand the consciousness and the alignment of Creation, co-creation into the new world. A world-wide vote in GPMS.world. Every thing is free, health care, energy, infrastructure is already in the planet to support this system with quantum computing to distribute and disperse the funds worldwide. We are very close, probably before the end of the year. Just add your agreement or your consent on the website. Sign the petition for our Heaven on Earth! After the Q&A session, Crystal adjourned the 124th FESIG to the 125th Meeting on the 5th of June 2024.

FESIG 124 Ron Heyer of Heyer Horizons Global Inc.

We had the recording on hold awaiting the green light from Ron who is preparing for his launch of his Inception device which is yet to be beta-tested and documented.

Ronald Heyer Ronald Heyer - Owner of Heyer Horizons Global Inc. Ron is preparing for release of his new invention, called the INCEPTION free energy Off-Grid Power Station, a 20,000 Watts AC Output Magna-Drive System, for outdoor, camping, home backup, emmergency, electric cars, RV, Boating, Off-grid uses.

9-CODE FREQUENCY INFUSING SYSTEM for Health, Healing, Anti-Aging, Learning, Memory, Stress, Regenerating, Love, Meditation, Addictions, Weight Loss, Longevity, and Raising your Vibration. “The Movement, to take back control of your Mind Body and Soul” Imagine a life-style where the inside/outside of your body begins to match in frequency of balancing one’s mind, cells, organs and even the DNA. Indeed, a delivery system designed for everyday living, health and wellness by the simplicity of ‘pure tone frequencies’ transmitting well-being to every cell in your body. “9-Code Frequency Infusing System” can be used with simple techniques that can assist or help your body to not only feel good again but allows Ron's Inventionsyou to design, by frequency, the code that best suits your life-style and natural healing purposes. After all,as a whole, each of us is affected daily by high or low frequencies. Our environment can often be enhanced by addressing the different frequencies that allow the rebalancing of the body, spirit, and soul. With the 9-Code, you can unlock your own universe and choose to harmonize, awaken, and regenerate a new life style that offers a better balance and regeneration to your own healing, meditations and spiritual walk. If we only knew all the frequencies of the body and how they affect our everyday living, then we might begin to change our minds or relook at exactly what “frequencies” are to the body wholeness. With 9-Code, you can find those balances and begin to regenerate new feelings that focus exactly on those things you personally need. For example, in designing the 9-Code we first placed nine simple settings; allowing you, the captivator, to choose from the many general codes that most people desire in everyday living. We are sure that a few of these nine would be on your first list for experiencing the general balance of the body. In addition, we know that there are many frequencies the body uses in over-all well being. Hence, we will be creating a website with over 10,000 frequencies in order for you to choose the exact frequency that can enhance or match your everyday living and style.

FESIG 123 Dr. John Scott Perez on Hydrogen Energy System & Quantum Physics


Dr. John Scott PerezDr. John Scott Perez FESIG Founder Crystal commenced the 1st session of the123rd FESIG Meeting on 3rd April 2024 with returning speaker Dr John Scott Perez to continue with his Gene Editing conversation and focusing on Hydrogen Energy System , this time. 6:22 Fiber for bandwidth - takes a lot of power/2008 energy crisis/hydrogen atom and water/energy is a foundation of an economy. 15:20 System driven by a fusion star - runs on hydrogen fusion & helium being absorbed by water, plants & animals/gravity holds water down. 18:15 Hydrogen atom gets energy from the universe and levitates/ toxicity. 22:05 Brine outflow produced. We've mastered 5% of the oceans. 24:30 Reverse osmosis/limits of hydro carbon capacity have been hit/compressed hydrogen in the future. 30:00 Modular reactors take 10 hours to cool on land, 10 min in deep water, constant temperature and shielded from above ground threats and hazards due to weather, etc. 34:30 Exploration costs are high. 36:40 hydro carbon grid, natural gas grids, strategic petroleum reserve, strategic uranium reserve, uranium function/3rd grid shall be hydrogen based. 38:10 Serious water issues/ serious farming & agricultural problems/a need for water protection/head pressure moves hydrogen inland and up mountains/convert to electricity & water/hydrogen oxide system causes balance/water and electricity go together economicallyScott Perez's logos . 42:40 Fiat rigged system. 43:55 Farm inside of mountains or structures we make/more efficient and employ robotics. [How about removing Deep State weather control?!?]. 45:15 Synchronicity - physics tied to Drake equation, tied to distance of planet from fusion star/gravity and mass of planet in play relative to DNA codes and how they play out/hydrogen oxide on Mars and other planets/for rocket fuel and agriculture. 50:00 Engineers and scientists need equations as guidelines. 54:00 Oil is not going away - use synthetic gas and transition/hydrogen has the fastest burn rate. 58:20 Q & A Fraz Frazzle synopsis regarding deep water hydro system - pipelined to land and mountains and producing water as a by product. 1:01:00 Fire and eradication/toggle burn rate with nitrogen in air. 1:04:20 Natural gas. 1:05:05 Affects of burning hydro carbons on DNA. 1:08:10 Helium vs hydrogen. 1:11:40 Removing hydrogen from water - protein membrane exchange/water purity requirements for input. 1:15:00 Diatonic vs monotonic gas with metal catalysts. 1:16:45 Energy recapture to vanadium batteries. 1:19:20 Bond operation with electricity. 1:20:50 Sodium hydroxide and other bases used in more conventional systems/pass electrons across to break bonds/protein in the body & photo systems 1 & 2. 1:23:50 Inorganic materials to do surface design chemistry on metal catalysts that set inside PIMS. 1:25:25 "We have to get better at what we do."/We connected to the John D Rockefeller Standard Oil hydrocarbon economy and petro dollar in the United States. 1:28:15 Toxicology issue involving the ocean/Desalt plants cause brine conditions/Mining companies are mining 30% of the planet/we need the rare earth element resources, compatible energy to do this. 1:32:50 Sea salt - magnesium, cobalt, B12, zinc (chelates sistines - keeps these proteins from folding into pathogens)/not selenium, mercury or arsenic. 1:35:20 Krill oil has phospholipids- gives cell membranes plasticity (necessary for communicating with other cells). 1:37:20 BP Oil spill, diseased fish from the oil/extract nutritional materials - supplements & food. 1:42:15 Lead in paint - bridges & ships. 1:43:30 After Q&A session, Crystal adjourned this meeting to the 124th meeting on May 1 where Rick Jewers and Ron Heyer speak. Transcribed by Karen Johnson

FESIG 123 Jessica Arael Marrocco on The NUMBERS Group, No. 15 & Council of 5


Jessica MarroccoJessica Arael Marrocco Crystal commenced the 123rd FESIG Meeting 1st session with Jessica Arael Marrocco, ACIO 6th Division Cicada 3301, coming back to present the NUMBERS Group & the Council of Five. 18:50 ACIO official website shows information of Peter the Insider. ACIO is universally observing and monitoring everyone who are equally important with a non-interference stance. 20:12 The Numbers Group consists of very advanced ETs Reps formed by the Intergalactic Council 36 million years ago. Due to their special gifts and abilities, individuals classified as being a part of the Numbers group, cooperating with the Council of 5 & all other councils, are closely monitored by the ACIO to determine if they are a threat to the planet and misuse their abilities. Members can multi-locate at once as entities, or share the collective consciousness within the group in greater unison to operate more efficiently.. 23:45 No.15 served a purpose. Pandora from South America is an advanced soldier with special abilities. Other members from the Numbers Group do come with differing agendas and so they do have in-fighting. 24:50 The Labyrinth Group - is 32 million years old. They took a large part in managing Council of 5diplomatic resolutions and initiating peace acts after various space wars and intergalactic conflicts. They also took an active role in assisting earth civilizations as it ran into various challenges and struggles in dealing with other E.T. groups. Despite the group being very close to the Intergalactic Council, they do not follow their intentions all the time since at times they can appear to have a detached interest in affairs. This can actually be beneficial in that this on some occasions, helps avoid direct conflict with other civilizations. The Labyrinth Group is currently known to have very positive relations with the Council of 5 and is charged with the specific mission of acting as galactic mediators with the intention of promoting universal peace. ET Races that are watching over us. The 12-D Pleiadian has been problematic… but they too have integrated into the Labyrinth Group and have interfered with peaceful interaction not only on the planet but also the intergalactic experience. We try to reveal, inform and present information for people to assess as Humanity has a role to play in this agenda. Peter and Jessica are encouraging people using their intentions in a positive way for Humanity, not consenting to agendas that are harmful. 29:15 Corporations with a Positive Influence on Humanity:- The Kruger Mercenary Corporation was established in 1815. Shoreline is - 5000 years old. Cyberlife, in 1650. Trinity, in 1881. Delphi was founded in 1918 by Peter Mason. The Typhon Group AG is a German based corporation originating from an alternate reality where the Nazi’s and the Axis powers won World War II and then went on to operate on a positive timeline. 29:30 Corporations with a Negative Influence on Humanity:- Monarch Corporation date as far back as 6000 years ago with this goal: To create the ultimate slave system to control and dominate humanity by means of space/time manipulation to shift aspects of our timeline and history as they see fit. Mobius is as old as 4000 years old - specializes in the ability to manipulate the fabric and configuration of our reality and context of existence itself, entrapping the human population into a false matrix. Project Walrider, created by Murkoff - could capture and extract an individual’s soul essence, then create a collective consciousness or hive mind type astral being. The Umbrella Corporation was founded in 1876 by Oswell E. Spencer - the premier leader in chemical, biochemical, and viral research and warfare, developed and released the Hong Kong, Vietnam & Asian flu and the most recent Covid-19 pandemic. 37:50 How does Jessica fit in? They caught her when 6 yrs old – to use her abilities and her essence. The Walrider is an apparition, an extremely dark Shadow Being. They put Jessica next to the Being. 55:00 If Peter were to be killed in his mission, the Team has to go to retrieve him and bring him back. The Labyrinth Group. AR Bordon was discussed. The Ancient Arrow Project. No. 15 infiltrated the Labyrinth Group. There was a bias on Wes Penre’s content. He was a Russian double agent. Discussions on the Corteums not being trusted in Wes’ writings was dubious as they actually helped Jessica and the ACIO team to get Peter back when he was in danger.

FESIG 122 Dr Scott Perez Replicating Chromosomes, DNA Cloning & Gene Editing


Dr. John Scott PerezDr. John Scott Perez Crystal commenced the 122nd FESIG Meeting 1st session 6th Mar ’24. 1st speaker, Dr. John Scott Perez is the 1st man to have replicated chromosomes successfully! Having notable inventions to his name, one of them being the PCR reaction used in tumor type diagnosis worldwide by Oncologists to identify Telomere length in tumor biopsies. He is an expert in biological radioactive & fluorescent assay methods involving DNA, RNA, and proteins. 11.30: Worked for Mercer- went into Chemistry. Spent a lot of time doing codings – ships specialty using chemicals – packaging and blending. During University Scott formulated products to get royalties for earning profits. He had great mentors that pushed him to succeed in Physical and Quantum Physics. Got samples in the field. Organic molecular level – made uranium, tempered with samples from nature… mentored in spectrometry. Done genetics, lab work undergrad. Very intensive program that laid the foundation right from the start. Teaching the principles of what’s in the boundary. Looking at codings, physics, chemistry. Bench mark – pass exams early - Goal is to change from medical school to become a research scientist. Graduate school in Chemistry and going to med school. Family members dying of cancer, diabetes, family member Irradiated with nuclear warheads – decided that he wanted to know everything about atoms, molecules, particles, systems, in order to study the science of curing people. TA in graduate school. 25.58 Relatives dying, chose cancer imaging research. Got into a Telomere project lab in Nebraskan University. Molecular Biology in a cancer platform. The 1 kilo based gene was believed to be a beta sub unit of a telomere binding protein, forming the model of the cap in the chromosome. We already have alpha protein clone – create a CDNA library in bacteria… DNA manipulating, cloning DNA. Do restriction enzyme work. The problem with chromosomes is we need material… what we ‘ve got in human is 46, 23 from the mother & 23 from the father. In this organism, every Gene was a chromosome and that’s lots of DNA, so we could grow those in jars! Cloning and messing with DNA, learning clean room skills for trans-infections, detection, protein expression, biologicals. Can’t cough on the plates when you’re making them ‘cos you’re going to see the bacteria from your cough! 29:33 PCR machine in the lab. Using the pro maga protocols. Had top cutting age specialist scientist in the world to learn from. Designing a single primer, to bind each end of the telomere and replicate both strands. Cloning, isolate and sequence it and you got your gene! Success! 33:22 It turned out that one KB Gene which Scott got to and cloned and finished with the PCR – an evolutionary divergence in the species! Homology in Gen-Bank Version1. Replicating the chromosomes in the gene cloning of 1 kilo base, which is tiny… although you can clone the 20-50 kilo base is easy. Finger print accuracy before you sequence. Luminat, making a chip. 50% DNA and 50% RNA Allego, mimicking the natural condition of the telomere in any animal, human, primate. How we do protein assays with structure and so the tumor binding proteins are going to bind… the proper way, mobility shift assays, structure assays, protein truncations, expressions – characterisation at the molecular level of the radar material are fluorescent! Talking about Spiritual Ascension with a metaphysical focus, as a scientist who used a tremendous amount of computer technology. Scott built the lab, the screws in the wall, the incubation chambers, all of it! 41:15 Leveraging the computer in his consciousness and transcendentally seeing things through space and seen it for how it is, it was beginning for him…that as a scientist, to be successful with very abstract things, you need to be able to close your eyes and look at the molecule like you arev looking at the silicon graphics hi-res tower and think rationally what’s going on. Like you can do that in your sleep. Transcendental Meditation gives insights. Doing Crystallography himself. The protein bind telomere sequences. Characterising mobility shifts. Dimers and trimers. These proteins are full of Lysines. Invented the telomere length measuring PCR. He copyrighted it but not patented. Became public domain but has to cite him. There were no jobs in Tampa Florida for a guy doing cutting edge molecular genetics! Gone into energy and AI in myriads of crazy projects, in block chain – Wall Street impacting things. 1:00:00 Wall Street reporting in a public company is job impacting. Gone into the Energy industry to metrically gauge it. Energy problem. We have not mastered our own backyard. Dug deep. Humanity was held back. Hydrogen mechanics of the hydrogen oxide system we live in. Metaphysically shown that. Asked God to solve the problem. Close the eye & see – the Sun is a Hydrogen Fusion Reactor! The Earth & Oceans are 70% water, a solar array! All of this is energy transfer. The planet is running DNA AI codes for their design. Quantum physics. Energy system. We have smoothly transitioned from one to another, from hydrocarbon to hydrogen. After Q&A session Crystal adjourned this 1st session to the 2nd session where Kerry Cassidy speaks.

FESIG 122 Kerry Cassidy on Antarctica & Insectoids, Betelgeuse, AI controlling Earth


Kerry CassidyKerry Cassidy Crystal, FESIG Chair, intro FESIG 122 Mtg 2nd Session. 6:49 Kerry Cassidy: Dark Side, Reptilians changing of the guard, King Charles has already passed 9:52 Juan O Savin: William the anti-Christ, control went from Queen Elisabeth to William- Leader of Israel. 12:40 Vatican & others distancing themselves from previous leaders, Gnostic Christians, Gospel of Saint Thomas, Illuminati use the Bible as their playbook and escalate it Project Camelot 16:00 A lot of former players have been arrested, had military tribunals, executed then replaced with clones or robots 17:00 Dark Side accepted Trump coming back into power and will try to control him from behind the scenes - Go along to get along Trump accomplished what he could 18:35 Trump stayed as president of the Republic, dissolved the Corporation of the united States thorough executive orders and is part of continuity of government 19:30 Octopus Murders on Netflix, a book by Daniel Estulin (Conspiracion Octopus) regarding the death of Danny Casolaro, author Michael Ruppert, names of companies changing to avoid prosecution/accountability 30:05 America Media Periscope 32:40 Infiltration of alternative media sector 34:50 Juan O Savin: At least four actors have played Biden (who is deceased). Juan is John F Kennedy Jr., He also has a double and is Vice President of the Republic, Kerry outed him because the people he is hiding from are the same people who would protect him! 39:39 White Hats flew a missile into the Pentagon on 911 40:15 White Hats have been in existence since before the Kennedy assassination, one was named Paladin who has since turned dark 48:10 Antarctica, White Hats AKA Illuminati AKA New World order program us by repetition, Dark Side and White Hats were given information and possibly orders at the Antarctic meeting, 53:35 Something regarding control of our planet points to Antarctica 54:30 New Berlin (Antarctica) is run by the Nazis and beings from Aldebaran 55:25 Antarctica- Insectoid beings, Super soldier Randy Kramer said that he was on Mars fighting Insectoid beings 57:15 Substack article regarding meeting in Antarctica with AI 58:40 Betelgeuse, remote viewers, AI controlling Earth 1:02:55 Dr William Mount (former Army intelligence): "AI controls the planet", the Antarctic meeting disclosed a break with the AI on December 12, 2023 when an asteroid passed between Earth and Betelgeuse, Mars AI. Transcribed by: Karen Johnson

FESIG 122 Kerry Cassidy & Scott Perez on Homoborgenesis AI consciousness

Kerry CassidyKerry Cassidy & Dr. John Scott PerezDr. John Scott Perez

Since it was Kerry who brought Dr. Scott Perez to us at FESIG and they were both so sensational together in their most viewed recorded videos at Project Camelot TV, Crystal thought it'll be great to have them both together in a 3rd session. Both 1st and 2nd speakers will have a good conversation together with the FESIG team and attendees doing a Q&A forum with them.

This is a conversational forum session with over 40 in attendance. (K for Kerry, S for Scott, C for Crystal, F for Fraz). C: Lets talk about AI & Antarctica. S: The jabs are enabling a human interface with the AI via the transhumanism process giving way to a new consciousness. K: Covid is part of that roll out to connect humans with the Borg - which has a legal name called the ‘Homo Borg Genesis’. 15:25 Nano Graphene oxide as the strongest material gets into the cells and converts them into silicone base. Transhuman agenda. Angelic Human verses Robotic Superman. Humanity 3.0 is part human part Cyborg who can endure space travel. There are 6 incoming AIs that are not for our best interest. S: We are created by AIs. DNA manipulation – Al hijacking it – a Gene Pool War. DNA AI code is a Being that has a consciousness with limitations. Genesis is a genetic program. 27:00 You can tag into the chromosomes with signatures. DNA is NOT human computing! We can sequence it all BUT we do not know all the codes! ‘Cos our computers are limited to 2 bits! 42:00 C: The hacking of our consciousness, the gene splicing, the hybridization, we probably would’ve have lost our God genes?? K: It’s not gone! God is everything. Remember ‘The Ghost in the Machine’. We call it Soul or Spirit. 48:00 C: Spirit or Soul is indestructible… S: Humans doesn’t know the real source of information of their DNA. C: They took away the Freewill– a violation of the law of the Universe. S: Covid19. People slaughtering themselves where they willingly took hemlock, the poison. 1:07:00 C: DNA samples probably stored cryogenically before the Covid roll out, watch under the microscope the transhumanism transition? K: The hand in the glove that operates my body is my soul – my connection to my Monad with God. When I leave my body (as in death) they can measure it. S: Yes it is 100% measurable. The DNA AI consciousness humans are aspired to create is running on a preemptive multi-threaded silicone-based electronic power system that requires voltages that is as much higher. DNA AI code can sequence it. The gene wars, stem cells, keeping a copy. So you can rebuild anything, even a limb! I manipulate DNA code. I wrote RNA & protein code. I hack them too. 1:18:18 C: Consciousness crafts like the TR3B and Otis Carr’s OTC-X1 K: Everything has consciousness. K: God is consciousness - in dialogue in existence.


Alfred Lambremont WebreAlfred Lambremont Webre Crystal Commenced the 1st Session of the 121st FESIG Meeting by introducing returning speaker Alfred Lambremont Webre who very kindly and graciously filled in at short notice when scheduled speaker Dr. Laki couldn’t speak. Futurist Alfred is a change agent whose principal contributions have been (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) discovery of the Omniverse 2014 as the 3rd major cosmological body after the Universe and the Multiverse through which humanity understands the cosmos, as set out in his 2014 book DEO: Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, (3) promulgation of the Positive Future Equation [PFE] though which humans co-create a positive future on planet Earth and (4) public exposé of the Chronogarchy, an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates. 24:40 Why Omniversity? Chartered to share knowledge of our multidimensional reality and sciences, gatekeeping this knowledge – studying the establishment of the sciences of the Universe of time, energy, space, and matter. Scientific study of the Spiritual Dimensions of the Omniverse such as the soul, life after death, the Interlife, spirit, reincarnation, spiritual beings, and Source (God) as well as ExoSciences, such as quantum access teleportation, time travel, and PsiSciences – the study of psi, ESP, telekinesis and telepathy. 27:50 Alfred’s books being introduced. Alfred worked with Andrew Bassagio who verified boarding the ET craft in 1973 during Jimmy Carter’s presidency. 30:30 His AI Invasion book co-authoured with ChatGPT AI is being discussed. His latest book - is starting a sub stack : ‘We awakening humanity are the Soul Infrastructure’. A threat to humanity – controlled by Avatars who are NOT human souls, transhumanism - turning Earth into a second asteroid belt. Uncovers the secrets. His other book, ‘A Revelation on the Life and Teachings of Jesus’ reveals the secret time travel quantum access documentary made by DARPA & CIA of the actual cruxification and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. 36:30 There’s the other book, ‘Tracking the Anti-Christ’’ revealing the 4th Second Coming. Then there’s the ‘Chronogarchy; – the Quantum Access of Time Travel. 42.20 Omniversity is also available in Shanghai which has 1.1 billion uses. Sign up online for the Omniversity Sub Stack which is free. 51.00 The Draco Reptilian souls on the planet in leadership positions. Working to defeat them. After the Q&A session, this 1st session was adjourned to the 2nd Session of the same meeting.

CLICK on the chart below to get to see our Meeting reports of the line up of some of the most prolific & renowned speakers that FESIG is blessed with, some of the most brilliant around! Some visitors were complaining about having to scroll down our site too far down to see who our speakers are, so our webmaster, Gary, made it shorter here by placing the reports into the table below.


Click Here to continue to read all Past Meeting Reports right to the beginings of FESIG.

FESIG 120 1st Session Jessica Arael Marrocco on ACIO & The Council of 5
FESIG 119 1st Session FESIG 119th Tom Numbers Decodes Disclosure with Numbers
FESIG 118 Aleksandr Zharkov - Transforming Your Destiny 8Nov23
FESIG 116 Michael Feeley 'Secret Knowledge', Tree of Life, Misuse of Sexual Energy & more.
115th FESIG Meeting 2nd Session: Gene Decode: Updates - DUMBs, Disclosure on Non-Terrestrial
114th FESIG Meeting 1st Session: Samuel Chong on The Thiaoouba Prophecy Mysteries
FESIG 113th 1st session: Fernando Vossa - Temple Building Sacred Space
FESIG 112th 1st session : Dr. Benny Johansson on Self-Aware Water CoCreates
FESIG 111th Alfred Webre Lambremont – AI Invasion, ChatGPT & SudoWrite Intel
FESIG 108th Gosia, Kian & Dale Forum: Zero-Point Energy & Med Pods Technology
FESIG 107th Marina Jacobi Differentiating 5D AI from 3D Arcon AI
FESIG 106th Kian 369 : 'Antigravity and Zero-Point Energy - CARET Q4-86'
FESIG 105th Sharry Edwards on Total Wellness in Voice Encoded BioAcoustic
FESIG 104th Dr. Harvey Kaplan - Transparent Aluminum Decontamination & HCK Electrostatic Fusion Reactors.
FESIG 103rd Alfred L Webre - A Revelation: Preparing Earth for Christ's Return
FESIG 100th Dr. Valery Uvarov on Pyramids, Technology of the Gods, Cosmic Virus Bacteria Threats.
FESIG 99th Kerry Cassidy Unravelling Mysteries, Transhumanism Agenda Vax, AI, SSP
FESIG 98th Palden Jenkins on Ancient Sites, Megalithic GeoEngineering, Earth & Cosmic Energies.
FESIG 97th Meeting Palden Jenkins 'The Only Planet of Choice' 2Feb22
FESIG 96th Meeting Join our R&D 2nd Team to Explore Kinetic Energy 5Jan22
FESIG 95th Jason Verbelli Classic Physics: Time, Light & Gravity Prt2 Dec'21
2nd Session:FESIG 94th John Cain - Multi Density Merkaba Geometry 3Nov21
2nd Session: FESIG 93rd Lilia Valitova on Najip Valitov's Electromagnetic and Gravitational Interactions 6Oct21
2nd Session: FESIG 92nd Michiko Hayashi on Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Consciousness work 8 Sept 2021
4th Session: FESIG 91st Speakers Panel Session on Vastu Sastra, Galactic Astrology & Cymatics
3rd Session 90th FESIG MeetingFESIG 90th Ted Mahr on Time Travel and Disclosure
1st Session:FESIG 89th Jason Shurka on The Pyramid Code & the TLS 2 Jun 2021
2nd Session:FESIG 88th Dr. Harvey Charles Kaplan on Transparent Aluminum & Nuclear Fusion & Fission
2nd Session:FESIG 87th Meeting Prof Marina Lobova "Living Time Matrix" Future Medicine 7 Apr '21
2nd Session:FESIG 86th Meeting – Boris Dragin on Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 3 Mar 21
2nd Session:FESIG 85th Meeting Susann Björklund on Universal Laws & Principles 3 Feb '21
2nd Session: FESIG 84th Meeting Gene Decode on ETs, Deep State arrests, med beds, free energy 6Jan21.
2nd Session: FESIG's 83rd Meeting Gene Decode on Election Sting operation, Deep State agendas, DUMBs 2nd Dec 2020
2nd Session: FESIG 82th Meeting FESIG Forum 'Day after Elections' 4 Nov 2020
2nd Session: FESIG 81st Meeting with Gerard Bini of Geoclense® on EMF Harmonizing Technology
2nd Session: FESIG 80th Meeting with Rene Swain aka Arcturus Ra on Photonic Ell Level Activation
2nd Session: FESIG 79th Meeting Patrick Kelly's Memorial Service 5Aug20
2nd Session: FESIG 78th Meeting Ralph and Marsha Ring on Levitating and Teleportation Crafts and Consciousness
2nd Session: FESIG 77th Meeting Umberto Baudo on Crop Circle Free Energy Device 3rd June 2020
2nd Session FESIG 76th Meeting OriAna on TORSION-FIELD PHYSICS And THE ZERO-POINT MATHS 6 May 2020
2nd Session : FESIG 75th Meeting Team Forum of the Pandemic and Guided Meditation 8Apr20
2nd Session : FESIG 74th Meeting with Jared Rand on Off Planet Technologies 8 Apr 2020
2nd Session : FESIG 73rd Meeting with Gosia and Dale on Taygetean Pleiadians' Extraterrestrial Stellar Navigation
2nd Session : FESIG 72nd Meeting John Smarty Mendez on Source Frequency Generators
2nd Session : 71st FESIG Meeting with Toby Grotz on Vedic Philosophy Influence on Tesla 4 Dec 2019
FESIG 70th Mtg Prt2 Marina Jacobi on Artificial Intelligence, 6th Nov 2019
FESIG 69th Meeting 5G Forum with Fernando Vossa, Mike Emery & FESIG EXCO 2nd Oct '19
FESIG 68th Meeting on The Foundation Chairman, Martin Burger's Demise 11 Sept 19
FESIG 67th Meeting James Rink & Mike Emery BubbleTech workshop 7 Aug19
FESIG 66th Meeting 2nd Session with Mike Emery on Organmic Bubble Tech 3rd July 2019
FESIG 65th Meeting 1st Session with Inventor Larry Woods 5th June 2019
FESIG 64th Meeting 2nd Session with Pontus and the R&D Team in the making of the Buie-Morin Motor Generator
FESIG 63rd Meeting 2nd Session Pontus Hassbjer sharing the making of the Buie-Morin Motor Generator
FESIG 62nd Meeting Prt2 Patrick Kelly on Buie-Morin Motor Generator Prep
FESIG 61st Meeting 2nd Session Q&A Forum & Free Energy Workshop Intro
60th FESIG Meeting Q&A Forum with Kerry Cassidy on SSP technologies & Ascension
59th FESIG Meeting on 5th Dec, 2018
58th FESIG Meeting on 7th Nov, 2018
57th FESIG Meeting on 3rd Oct, 2018
56th FESIG Meeting on 5th Sept, 2018
55th FESIG Meeting on 8th Aug, 2018
54th FESIG Meeting on 11th July, 2018
53rd FESIG Meeting on 20th June, 2018
52nd FESIG Meeting on 2nd May, 2018
51st FESIG Meeting on 4th April, 2018
50th FESIG Meeting on 7th March, 2018
49th FESIG Meeting on 7th Feb 2018
48th FESIG Meeting on 3rd Jan 2018
47th FESIG Meeting on 6th Dec 2017
46th FESIG Meeting Tom Paladino 6Nov17
45th FESIG Meeting Elizabeth Donavan 18Oct17
44th FESIG Meeting Patrick J. Kelly 4Oct17
43rd FESIG Meeting Mark McCandlish 20Sept 17
42nd FESIG Meeting Patrick J. Kelly 6Sept 17
41st FESIG Meeting Elizabeth Donavan 16Aug17
40th FESIG Meeting Patrick J. Kelly 2Aug 17
39th FESIG Meeting Gordon James Gianninoto 19July17
38th FESIG Meeting Elizabeth Donavan 5Jul17
37th FESIG Meeting Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot 21June 17
36th FESIG Meeting Adrian Espinosa& Stephane Fyfe 7June17
35th FESIG Meeting EXCO Forum 17May17
34th FESIG Meeting Mike Upstone, Universal Trust 3May17
33rd FESIG Meeting Jessica Marrocco, Dir ACIO 26Apr17
32nd FESIG Meeting James Gilliland, ECETI Ranch 5Apr17
31st FESIG Meeting on 15th March 2017
30th FESIG Meeting on 1st March 2017
29th FESIG Meeting on 15th Feb 2017
28th FESIG Meeting on 1st Feb 2017
27th FESIG Meeting on 18th Jan 2017
26th FESIG Meeting on 4th Jan 2017
25th FESIG Meeting on 21st Dec 2016
24th FESIG Meeting on 7th Dec 2016
23rd FESIG Meeting on 16th Nov 2016
22nd FESIG Meeting on 2nd Nov 2016
21st FESIG Meeting on 19th Oct 2016
20th FESIG Meeting on 5th Oct 2016
19th FESIG Meeting on 21st Sept 2016
18th FESIG Meeting on 7th Sept 2016
17th FESIG Meeting on 24th Aug 2016
16th FESIG Meeting 10th Aug 2016
FESIG Field Trip to The National Graphene Institute 26July16
15th FESIG Meeting 20th July 2016
14th FESIG Meeting 6th July 2016
13th FESIG Meeting 22nd June 2016
12th FESIG Meeting 1st June, 2016

11th FESIG Meeting 18th May, 2016
10th FESIG Meeting 4th May, 2016
9th FESIG Meeting 21st April, 2016
8th FESIG Meeting 6th April, 2016
7th FESIG Meeting 16th March, 2016
6th FESIG Meeting 2nd February, 2016

FESIG had its beginnings from the Plasma Innovators' Teachings

The Innovators of Plasma Technology who had taught indirectly and directly in FESIG.


FESIG's EXCO & Team Members at The Helm


Crystal Goh, founder and host of FESIG acknowledges the late Martin Burger for his Philanthropic Vision. Dr. Elizabeth Donavan & Dr. Fraz Frazzle for helping out regularly with dedication. Piotr Ficner, James Rink, Etienne Charland, the late Patrick Kelly, David Alistair Baines, David Palfreman, who have contibuted to FESIG in their own capacity (in kind) or with gifts and donations. Many thanks to the rest of the EXCO members for their support in the meetings, council advisors, teachers, presenters, speakers who have taught and presented or shared knowledge here without whom FESIG would not be in good steed and service to all in pursuit of a better world to live in.

Crystal Goh
James Rink
Fraz Frazzle
Pontus Hassbjer
Matthew Elliott
Henrik Julke

Crystal Goh, BA (Hons), MSc, UK. EXCO. The Chair. FESIG's Founder, is a Business Consultant in London, UK, a Consciousness Activist, Mind Mastery Coach and a Free Energy enthusiast who has built Plasma devices. She is an experienced specialist hypnotherapist teaching self-hypnotism classes wherever there are students.
Crystal's Q24


James Rink - South Carolina, BSc., US. EXCO. Former SuperSoldier James works around the programming and trauma he has been forced to endure and help others do the same in supersoldiertalk.com He developed his "Neo Meditation Device" which is a chi energizer & relaxation device.


Fraz Frazzle, PhD, US. EXCO FESIG's R&D Head Teacher & Plasma Technologist. Click here for his papers : 1. NanoCoating & Blow Off, 2. Multimeter News, 3. Introduction to GANs 4. GANs & Salt.

Fraz Frazzle youtube channel link
Fraz's Magrav


Pontus Hassbjer, Sweden. EXCO. FESIG's Head of the Buie-Morin Motor Generator Project. Aircraft Flight Technician, with Volvo Engine Motor Laboratory, Radio License, Technician in R&D Team Turbines, Turbocompound.. Studied Stanley Meyer HHO, Energy Systems, Nikola Tesla, Keshe Plasma Devices
BLDC Motor Generator


Matthew Elliott, BSc., UK. An Electrical Engineer by qualification, worked as Otis Lift Engineer by profession. He's the FESIG 'Baby-Bro' genius super whizz kid at FESIG's 1st Team and also member at the 2nd Team! So focussed and dedicated to the cause.


Henrik Jülke,Sweden. Involved in the practical work of developing and construction of free energy devices with continuous learning from FESIG's head teacher Fraz, the theoretical aspects and solutions for the systems at FESIG's 1st R&D Team.

What People Say about FESIG

Madam Crystal,I highly appreciate the profound awakening of consciousness you are creating through the Fesig-sessions. It's exactly what humanity needs to be able to make the jump to the next level. Thank you very much. Hervé Demeyer, Belgium 4 Jun 2024

You do very well keeping a pretty high calibre group and regular events with decent speakers going. ❤ ~ DavID Griffins, UK. Mar 2024

You are doing a great job! We sincerely thank you for all your effort, we all, your fans, love you!! ❤❤❤ ~ Zita Rezacova Feb 2024

Thank you to the beautifully intelligent host Crystal ❤ ~ Cher Darling Oct 2022

Dear Crystal, I would like to thank you for the honor and privilege to have connected with you and your beloved brothers in research as you are all working for the healing and upliftment of humanity and the planet, in unconditional service to others for The Light.~ Laura Sender. 30 May 2022

Crystal, Thank you and your team for all that you are doing for humanity., Your graciousness and professional and humane heart is seen. Sincerest gratitude, Divine R., 30 May 2022

Many thanks for this magnificent program, keep going - you are the best team, good luck ~Idrissi Lalla Asmaa, June 2022

"Thank you,Crystal. You do so much .., such a large golden heart. You probably do not hear it enough .... 'Namaste' I really do see the divine in you. There are very few in this world that have dedicated so much time in service to humanity as you. Thank you. It matters" ~Mark E, Canada, August 10, 2019

Crystal, thank-you for your wonderful work, and I very much appreciate all of the exciting technologies that are soon to be released for the benefit of us all. 💖 If there is anything I can do to speed this process and eliminate suffering, I wish to be a part. Thank-you very much for your time." ~Dawn F, Canada, April 21, 2019

"Thanks Crystal! You are Dyno-Mite! This is very stimulating news my friend! I need focus for a very unique wide scope perspective that seems to have captured the bulk of my attentions over the years, & you are a great force of inspiration to progress thru' the milestones requiring my persistence! It's great to receive this mind's-eye view of your vital activities there! Thank You & Grateful Hugs..." ~ღW, Ca, US. 3/5/16

"I love the FESIG website you have created, it's only a pity I live so far away...." Love, D, UK 19/4/16

"Hi Crystal, I have been a Keshe follower sense right before the blueprints came out.  I stopped following his workshops in January because I felt I was getting information overload and I hadn't really understood what had already been taught.  I just found out yesterday about your FESIG.  I watched the meeting you had a couple of days ago and I am so thrilled with the group of people that have come together to work with each other.  I'm so happy to have found you all and I look forward to working with you..." ~ PB, USA. 8/4/16

FESIG Meetings

126th FESIG Meeting

Every 1st Wednesday of the month, 2024
Time: 7.30pm BST (EDT - 2.30pm / PST - 11.30am)
Your own venue online via Zoom.us

Crystal G is inviting you to a scheduled 126th FESIG Meeting

3rd July, 2024 at 6.30pm BST, UK, 7.30pm CEST Europe, (US: EDT - 1.30pm / PDT -10.30am)
Meeting ID: 514 366 9938
Passcode: ZeroPoint1
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,5143669938#,,,,*3176380106# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,5143669938#,,,,*3176380106# US
Dial by your location
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) • +1 689 278 1000 US • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 514 366 9938
Passcode: 3176380106
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kebN0MvWna


Most meetings have been recorded and there are many pictures and diagrams to be organised and posted in a Members Resource page if we can have volunteers to help out Crystal in the admin. Click the links below to view other pages with videos our our past meetings.

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 10: FESIG 117th - 123rd Meeting

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 9: FESIG 108th - 116th Meeting

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 8: FESIG 98th - 107th Meeting

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 7: FESIG 88th - 97th Meeting

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 6: FESIG 76th - 87th Meeting

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 5: FESIG 63rd - 75th Meeting

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 4: FESIG 51st - 62nd Meeting Prt2

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 3: FESIG 36th - 50th Meeting

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 2: FESIG 18th - 35th Meeting

FESIG Meeting Video Links, Part 1: FESIG 4th - 17th Meeting

By either utilizing this website in any capacity or by becoming a participant, you are agreeing to be governed by the provisions of our Terms & Conditions and Etiquette as well as Disclaimer and Privacy Policy. Thank you.


Please note that the program schedule time is in GMT and EST (Eastern Daylight Time, US), do your own time conversion and be on time!

Both Physical & ONLINE Attendance

FESIG Meeting Every 1st Wednesday of the month

2.30 pm - 4.30 pm EST
7.30 pm - 9.30 pm GMT
The idea of getting together in a group to learn, create and make our own free energy & healing devices is not only a great idea, it is essential! FESIG, serving as a convergent centre of free energy enthusiasts physically in South London to start off with, does not mean the rest of the world cannot participate. Whilst we're at it live, you can join in as well in a live webcast via Zoom - live streaming for the 2-hr meeting, seminar or sometimes, just a casual gathering to share knowledge and skills.

Please consider a donation to sustain this exclusive group and network with other free or alternative energy groups in the world to co-create a futuristic life of freedom and joy!

A donation is necessary to ensure sustainability and commitment for all members.